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Futaba: 7PXR High-End Radio System

Last September, at the Tokyo Hobby Show, Futaba announced the new 7PXR High-End Radio System and now the Japanese brand revelead more information about this remote control. This radio is build on the popular 7PX with a 4.3″ LCD backlit touch screen, telemetry, mixing, epa adjustment, sub-trim, brake mixing, ABS and compatibility with T-FHSS, S-FHSS, FASST and S.Bus servo programming options.

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Coming soon to the hobby shops a new version of the Futaba 7PXR remote control. This new high-end radio uses the T-FHSS Super Response transmission system (the fastest ever produced by Futaba). The 7PXR has been lightened and thanks to a new weight balance it is even more comfortable to hold.

Among the new features: position and angle of the steering wheel, larger HOME button, accelerator trigger design and an even richer and more accurate internal software.

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